Warren & Burstein secure another Ninth Circuit victory!
In United States v. Galloway, No. 18-10313 (9th Cir. 2020), the Ninth Circuit vacated our client's convictions on three counts of tax...
Warren & Burstein secure another Ninth Circuit victory!
Warren & Burstein win in the Ninth Circuit: life sentence vacated.
Warren & Burstein gets sentence vacated.
Warren & Burstein in the national news
Warren & Burstein secure probation for their client in Azano corruption case
Warren & Burstein avoid jail time for Pepe Aguilar's son
Warren & Burstein secure Appellate Victory in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
Warren & Burstein secure $225,000 settlement for unlawful killing of clients' dog
Warren & Burstein obtain another victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals.
Warren & Burstein end the year with a Ninth Circuit Victory
Warren & Burstein on national news program, Crime Watch Daily
Jeremy Warren appointed to sentencing committee.